ODAWG Membership

Thousands of people enjoy bringing their dogs to visit our off leash dog park, but many don’t realize it’s a special group of volunteers known as the Oshawa Durham Area Walkers Group (ODAWG) that takes care of making sure the park is clean and stocked with poop bags. We’ve built wooden benches and it’s one of our own who empties the garbage bins each and every day and brings them out to the entrance to be collected by the city. For a long time now, Pete has been responsible for hauling out the trash to ensure the garbage bins we provide aren’t full and overflowing.
While membership is not mandatory to walk in the park, your small donation can make a big difference in helping us make the park the best off-leash dog park in Oshawa.
Annual Membership Fees
ODAWG – Oshawa Durham Area Walkers Group
c/o 399 Dickens Drive, Oshawa, ON L1K 1N4
Enquiries or Information: odawg.debi@gmail.com
E-transfers : odawgtreasurer@gmail.com (no password required)