Every little bit helps!
Whether you are able to make monetary donations or volunteer your time, every little bit helps! We graciously accept donations via e-transfer to odawgtreasurer@gmail.com
Latest Bark News:
- Happy Holidays! Santa Visits the Harmony Valley Dog ParkCome to the park this Saturday, December 7th from 12 PM to 2 PM for a fun event! Free photos …
Happy Holidays! Santa Visits the Harmony Valley Dog Park Read More »
- Celebrate Lily’s 7th Birthday!Lily 3 – Cancer 0! That’s right! Dear Lily has battled cancer 3 times and won! You are all invited …
- Spring Cleanup and Membership Drive!Sunday April 21 9:00 am – 3:00 pm south entrance Gloves and garbage bags will be supplied

Welcome to the new home of the Harmony Valley Dog Park! Sorry for the mess, the new site is currently under constructions but it will be up and running soon!